
Monday, July 23, 2012

The Week Begins

I dusted off the bread machine and made these Cinnabon knock-offs over the weekend. Then, since I had the machine out, I found a recipe for pepperoni bread. It was so good. We ate it for dinner. Nothing else. Just pepperoni bread. We're dieting. Ha! I grabbed the ice cream maker out of the pantry as well. I want to make blackberry sorbet. All these silly appliances I rarely use are going to get a workout this week. I might even bust out the pasta machine. Somebody stop me.

Little Bit was attending a wedding over the weekend and needed a small wristlet to hold her phone. She picked out the fabrics. The coral ruffle and strap matched her dress and white sandals. It took her forever to choose the perfect fabrics. She says she's keeping my wall o' fabric after I croak, because she loves it. She doesn't sew, but she pets fabric. That's how it starts, sister. Been there, done that.

See, no dieting here. Roasted chicken, sweet and regular potato mash with pan sauce, pepperoni bread, ratatouille and baby green lima beans. There are not many foods that I won't eat, but frozen green lima beans make that list. But if I make the dried version, I absolutely adore them. The frozen beans are too much like plastic and have no flavor. Inspector Gadget had no choice to eat sweet potato if he wanted potatoes. I'm getting tricky like that. Now I need to figure out how to get eggplant and Brussels sprouts into something everyone will eat.

It's Not All Black and White, 7" x 8"
I had to miss our guild's Sew Day due to prior commitments, but I did have some time to finish up another mini quilt for AAQI. Our lake community had a huge charity event on the lake Saturday and it was a complete zoo around here. So nice to be back to our quiet little community.


  1. Those cinnamon rolls look wonderful! I have made pepperoni bread too, my kids like making grilled cheese with it (use mozzarella and dip it in some warmed pizza sauce, makes teenagers very happy!)

  2. We missed you at SewDay, but I see you managed to do yourself well. Love the AAQI quilt.

  3. Every time I come here, I drool and gain ten pounds. How is that even possible ;) Love your recipes, love your mini, love your daughter and your stash wall...yep,that's exactly how it starts ;)

  4. Oops forgot the link to a past piece (originally based off of a piece that has gone around the Internet and been rewritten many, many times )based on a whimsical bit about why we love to touch, smell, etc. fabric so much:

  5. Ah, fresh bread. There's nothing better really, is there? Those Cinnamon Rolls look fantastic.


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