
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sunday Stash #82

Birthday goodies from Rene'. We both adore cats, so we have a little inside joke going on. Meow.

Our guild is collecting fabric and quilting supplies for an auction to suplement our education fund. We had a pre-sale at Sew Day yesterday. I donated a box of stuff and only came home with half a box of stuff. Progress, yes?


  1. hee hee. are these the fabrics you brought home? that last one is a hoot - sure hope you didn't give it up. you adore cats? how come you don't got no cat?

  2. Hahaha... I feel the same way about donating fabrics to clear my space and bringing home pretty fabric because I couldn't say, "No".

  3. It was great seeing you at Sew Day. Glad I resisted the temptation of all that fabric ;-)


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